
RRHD Saturday Cook-Out! Benefits Youth Baseball/Softball

Event location

Red River Harley-Davidson®

4514 Northwest Fwy, Wichita Falls, TX 76306

June 15, 2024 11:00AM - 2:00PM

We will have a local group or charity here cooking hamburgers, German Sausages locally sourced from Red Barn Butchers, with chips & a drink for donations!

This week we welcome the Iowa Park Youth Baseball & Softball Associations to benefit from our weekly RRHD Cook-Out! Join us for a Cook-Out to benefit our youth! Let's Play BALL!!

In our opinion, Baseball/Softball is one of the greatest games ever created. A sport that not only teaches kids how the importance of hard work to improve your skills as they play as an individual but also shows the importance of being able to work great with others in a team setting to ensure success! The world needs more positive activities that get kids outside & baseball & softball is one of the best! Join us & enjoy a tasty lunch for a donation that will help encourage the youth to get outside & participate in a game that will teach practical life long values & skill sets as they have fun with friends as we raise money for the upkeep on the fields & facilities!

We would love for everyone to share this with anyone who loves good food, good friends, & showing their love for our local community! Please come join us! Everyone is welcome! Harley-enthusiasts, motorcycle enthusiasts, & everyone in between who simply love to share a yummy treat with fun people! Call 940-264-7743 for more information!

As you know, Red River H-D is a PROUD supporter of our local community as we encourage everyone to Buy Local Texoma & spend your hard earned money to help stimulate local business as this is OUR HOME & we want to help maintain it as well as help it grow! One way that we show our local support, over the past several years, every Saturday during Spring & Summer we invite a different local charity or group to come out to RRHD & host a cook-out for our customers that is a pretty special deal. What makes this cook-out so special? Red River H-D donates all of the groceries to be cooked, the group or charity cook & serve the food...then keep 100% of the donations! So join us WFTX for a tasty lunch hot off the grill as we celebrate our local community!

***NOTE: Please be advised that we are doing what we can to keep everyone as happy & healthy as possible! With that we encourage social distancing, masks, & IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL AT ALL IN ANY WAY PLEASE STAY HOME! This is by no means a one time event & we want to keep everyone who attends as safe as possible so if you are not feeling 100% well, please join us another time! Thank you for your cooperation & understanding in these unprecedented times!***

RRHD Saturday Cook-Out! Benefits Youth Baseball/Softball