
RRHD Summer Cook-Out Benefits Ark Men's Home/Prison Outreach

June 29, 2024 9:00AM - 2:00PM

We would love for everyone to share this with anyone who loves good food, good friends, & showing their love for our local community! Please come join us! Everyone is welcome! Harley-enthusiasts, motorcycle enthusiasts, & everyone in between who simply love to share a yummy treat with fun people! Call 940-264-7743 for more information!

All donations benefit The ARK Men's Home, a free 6 month discipleship program dedicated to helping drug addicts, alcoholics, criminally minded, homeless, & the rejects of society to get their life back on track. They work 1 on 1 with individuals to build up and break free from addiction and to live a healthy happy life! The group that represents ARK Men's Home & the Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club will be cooking Burgers, hotdogs, & German sausage locally sourced from Red Barn Butchers, with chips & a drink for donation served 11-2 at RRHD! For more info on the group/charity call Sal 940-337-9281 or Brandon 940-280-8512

As you know, Red River H-D is a PROUD supporter of our local community as we encourage everyone to Buy Local Texoma & spend your hard earned money to help stimulate local business as this is OUR HOME & we want to help maintain it as well as help it grow! One way that we show our local support, over the past several years, every Saturday during Spring & Summer we invite a different local charity or group to come out to RRHD & host a cook-out for our customers that is a pretty special deal. What makes this cook-out so special? Red River H-D donates all of the groceries to be cooked, the group or charity cook & serve the food...then keep 100% of the donations! So join us WFTX for a tasty lunch hot off the grill as we celebrate our local community!

RRHD Summer Cook-Out Benefits Ark Men's Home/Prison Outreach